Far West Teacher
Center Network
Providing professional development and technology training
to educators for the benefit of student achievement.
New York State United Teachers
New York State Education Department
New York State Teacher Retirement System
New York State Employee Retirement System
NYS P-12 Common Core Learning Standards:
All the NYS P-12 Common Core Learning Standard documents plus a new set of Prekindergarten Standards can be accessed on this site. Additional information about statewide implementation and the development of P-12 curriculum models will also be posted on this website.
EngageNY is an evolving, collaborative platform for NYS teachers, principals, Network Team members, and administrators aimed at providing resources to ensure successful implementation of the Regents Reform priorities as they evolve over time.
Albert Shanker National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification Grant Program:
Teachers interested in pursuing certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards can apply for a grant of up to $2500 to defray the unreimbursed expenses of certification.
The TEACH system now manages most functions related to teacher certification for preservice and in-service teachers in New York State.
New York State Education Resources