Far West Teacher
Center Network
Providing professional development and technology training
to educators for the benefit of student achievement.
NYS Teacher Centers were established in 1984 under Education Law 316 to deliver professional development in support of quality teaching. Since that time our state organization has expanded to 125 centers across NYS; each providing unique learning opportunities and partnerships to educators in almost 2,000 public, non-public, and charter schools.
The Far West Teacher Center Network is comprised of 16 regional centers serving educators in Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Cattaraugus, Allegany and Chautauqua Counties.
Our network serves over 20,000 educators on a limited combined grant from the state of $1,400,000. From 2009-2013 our program funding was severely cut by an astronomical amount of 64% (see chart below). Thanks to our legislators and the support of our constituents, our funding was increased in 2016 to 50% or 2009-10 levels. In spite of these fluctuations in funding, teacher centers are still providing highly effective professional learning opportunities that support the Regents Reform Agenda to all educators in our region.
2009-10 Total funding=$2,800,000
2010-11 Total funding=$0
2011-12 Total funding=$1,400,000
2012-13 Total funding=$730,000
2013-14 Total funding=$1,022,000
2014-15 Total funding=$1,022,000
2015-16 Total funding=$1,022,000
2016-17 Total funding=$1,400,000
2017-18 Total funding=$1,022,000
2018-19 Total funding=$1,022,000
2019-20 Total funding=$1,022,000
If you would like to see our work continued and even increased, please contact your local legislators to voice your support! Without your help, we may no longer be able to provide your children’s teachers with the training and support they continually need to offer high quality instruction focused on preparing students for college and career.
Mission of Teacher Centers
New York State Teacher Centers inspire leadership by teachers for teachers through essential professional learning dedicated to fostering student success in education and life.
New York State Teacher Centers are:
VISIONARY: They are Entrepreneurs of professional learning that is central to highly effective instruction and learning.
STRATEGIC: They are Coordinators of evidence-based, action plans supporting the needs of all learners.
EMPOWERING: They are Leaders in education committed to the promotion of life-long learning, growth and development.
INNOVATIVE: They are Promoters of cutting edge technology and dynamic partnerships that enrich the learning experience and make it widely accessible for teachers, students and the community.
PASSIONATE: They are Developers of teacher leaders dedicated to improving professional practice and building communities of learners.
Our Philosophy
Through our services and collaboration, we continue to:
Support teachers and students through the implementation of the common core learning standards.
Better prepare students for a successful transition to college or careers.
Believe that teachers training teachers has the most powerful impact on teaching and learning in the classroom.
Provide information and programs to not only educators, but also to parents and community members in their regions.
Sustain an active statewide professional learning network despite cuts in funding.
Our History
In 1984, thanks to the lobbying efforts of NYSUT, Teacher Resource and Computer Training Centers were established and funded by the New York State Legislature under Education Law 316. This law called for the provision of systematic, ongoing professional education services to New York State teachers. The enabling legislation introduced an innovative approach to staff development across the state, and created a unique relationship between teacher centers and schools.
There were 44 Centers that opened that first year. Today, the New York State Teacher Center Network is a vibrant collaborative organization of more than 125 teacher centers, 7 regional networks, 3 standing committees and many statewide projects working to meet the current needs of our educators.